发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 Remobilization characteristics and diffusion kinetic processes of sediment zinc (Zn) in a tidal reach of the Pearl River Estuary, South China Journal of Hazardous Materials Gao L, Li R, Liang ZB, Yang CC, Yang ZZ, Hou L, Ouyang L, Zhao XH, Chen JY, Zhao P SCI
2023 Across-model spread and shrinking in predicting peatland carbon dynamics under global change Global Change Biology Hou EQ, Ma S, Huang YY, Zhou Y, Kim HS, López-Blanco E, Jiang LF, Xia JY, Tao F, Williams C, Williams M, Ricciuto D, Hanson PJ, Luo YQ SCI
2023 Aridity-dependent sequence of water potentials for stomatal closure and hydraulic dysfunctions in woody plants Global Change Biology Jin Y, Hao GY, Hammond WM, Yu KL, Liu XR, Ye Q, Zhou ZH, Wang CK SCI
2023 Extraradical hyphae exhibit more plastic nutrient-acquisition strategies than roots under nitrogen enrichment in ectomycorrhiza-dominated forests Global Change Biology Zhu XM, Lambers H, Guo WJ, Chen DD, Liu ZF, Zhang ZL, Yin HJ SCI
2023 Faster accumulation and greater contribution of glomalin to the soil organic carbon pool than amino sugars do under tropical coastal forest restoration Global Change Biology Li TT, Yuan Y, Mou ZJ, Li Y, Kuang LH, Zhang J, Wu WJ, Wang FM, Wang J, Lambers H, Sardans J, Pe?uelas J, Ren H, Liu ZF SCI
2023 Crop switching could be a win-win solution for improving both the productivity and sustainability in a typical dryland farming region-Loess Plateau, China Journal of Cleaner Production Han TT, Lu HF, Lu YH, Zhu YP, Fu BJ SCI
2023 Revealing the impacts of human activity on the aquatic environment of the Pearl River Estuary, South China, based on sedimentary nutrient records Journal of Cleaner Production Li R, Liang ZB, Hou L, Zhang D, Wu QR, Chen JY, Gao L SCI
2023 The parallel electron transfer pathways of biofilm and self-secreted electron shuttles in gram-positive strain Rhodococcus pyridinivorans HR-1 inoculated microbial fuel cell Bioresource Technology Cheng P, Zhang YC, Ma NF, Wang LN, Jiang LQ, Fang Z, Wang YT, Tan XP SCI
2023 Differential responses and mechanistic controls of soil phosphorus transformation in Eucalyptus plantations with N fertilization and introduced N2-fixing tree species New Phytologist Yao XY, Hui DF, Hou EQ, Xiong JF, Xing S, Deng Q SCI
2023 Enhancement of saturated fatty acid content in soil microbial membranes across natural and experimental warming gradients Soil Biology & Biochemistry He JH, Tan XP, Nie YX, Ma L, Zhou WP, Shen WJ SCI
2023 Nitrogen availability mediates soil organic carbon cycling in response to phosphorus supply: A global meta-analysis Soil Biology & Biochemistry Luo XZ, Zhang LL, Lin YB, Wen DZ, Hou EQ SCI
2023 Effects of a heavy metal (cadmium) on the responses of subtropical coastal tree species to drought stress ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH Zhang SK, Tan X, Zhou YH, Liu N SCI
2023 Attributing interannual variability ofnet ecosystem Exchange tomodeled ecological processes inforested Exchange tomodeled ecological processes inforested wetlands ofcontrasting stand age Landscape Ecology JonM.Wells,MaricarAguilos, XinHuang,YuanGao, EnqingHou,WenjuanHuang,CuijuanLiao,LinLin, RuiyingZhao, HanQiu, KeananAllen,JohnKing,AskoNoormets,LifenJiang, YiqiLuo SCI
2023 Elevated CO2 and nitrogen addition diminish the inhibitory effects of cadmium on leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release Plant and Soil Luo XZ, Zhang LL, Yi YF, Wen DZ SCI
2023 Nitrogen deposition enhances soil organic carbon and microbial residual carbon in a tropical forest Plant and Soil Zhang JF, Zhou JG, Sayer EJ, Lambers H, Liu ZF, Lu XK, Li YW, Li YX, Li H, Wang FM SCI
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